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Daisy chaining: Refers to the practice of connecting multiple grow lights or equipment in a series, allowing them to be powered from a single outlet or controller.

FIM/ed/ing: A technique similar to topping where about 75% of the main shoot tip is removed. "FIM" stands for "FUCK, I Missed!" and can result in multiple new growth points from the main stem, encouraging bushier growth.

LST (low stress training): A technique used to gently bend and tie down plants to expose more of the plant to light and create an even canopy. LST helps maximize light exposure without harming the plant.

LUX: A measure of the light intensity as perceived by the human eye. While LUX is not the best measurement for plant lighting, it gives growers a sense of brightness, although PPFD is more accurate for plant growth.

PPFD: Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density, which measures the amount of light (in micromoles) that reaches a specific area per second. It’s critical in assessing the intensity of light needed for photosynthesis in cannabis plants.

RH (relative humidity): A percentage measure of the amount of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount the air can hold at that temperature. Optimal RH is essential for proper plant transpiration and overall health.

VPD: Vapor Pressure Deficit, a measurement of the difference between the moisture in the air and the moisture the air can hold when saturated. VPD is used to control the balance of humidity and temperature, affecting plant transpiration and nutrient uptake.